作者:admin 日期:2016-06-16以下 GSAP官网上的示例动画集,经过学习,我也能制作这些SVG的遮罩、形变、路径类的动画,以设计师的创作提供更大的想象空间。
MorphSVGPlugin Examples
- Official MorphSVGPlugin Demo (at the top of this page) by Jack Doyle-----官方示例
- SVG Pencil Download by Chris Gannon----铅笔变箭头
- "!?" to GreenSock Logo by Chris Gannon----!?图形变成绿袜子小人
- Send Email Success/Failure by Chris Gannon---邮件发送成功后变成对钩
- Father & Son by Diaco--父亲和儿子的头像变换--烟雾动效
- Count Down & Count Up by Chris Gannon-----10的倒计时
- Life is Short by Chris Gannon----奶瓶变坟墓
- Bow & Arrow by Chris Gannon-----开弓放箭
- Simple Polyline Morphing by Jack---平板转五星转方块
- Happy/Sad Face (click the face) by Chris Gannon----哭脸和笑脸
- Bad Hair Day (click the face) by Chris Gannon-----电风吹把头发吹曲
- Flame by Sarah Drasner-----烛火摇曳
- Interchangeable Hipster by Sarah Drasner--胡子和眼镜变化
- Floating Duckie by Brad Larson----波浪上的鸭子
- Power of GSAP (lightening) by Diaco--电灯灯丝发光
- Animal Shapes by Carl Schooff-----动物形状变化
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